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Asset Details

Asset details describe assets. They affect how an asset is displayed to users.

Asset details make it easy to display and organize assets, and help users find assets.

The issuer enhances their tokens by entering asset details and uploading images and documents, or any content to help users better understand the available assets.

Asset details can be used to describe a whole asset or particular items in an asset for non-fungible and semi-fungible tokens.

The diagram below shows the different options for linking details to an asset depending on the token used.

Asset details

Required fields

Certain fields are required to identify the assets on the blockchain, for example the asset name and symbol. These fields are mandatory and cannot be updated after the asset is deployed.

Certain fields cannot be deleted when they are required by a particular assets workflow. For example, if the asset distribution workflow is a time-based auction, the start date and end date details cannot be removed from the asset details as they are required for the auction to execute correctly.

Public fields

When the asset is created and deployed on the blockchain, the smart contract representing it will always contain a link that can be publicly accessed where users will see the details the issuer deems necessary for public display.

When creating the asset, the issuer decides what information can be accessed publicly and what information should stay private except to identified users. Public fields are helpful for understanding the asset when discovering it on the blockchain.

We recommend always adding at minimum the name and contact information of the issuer.

Interoperability of public details

In certain circumstances; for example, when displaying an asset on a different platform to Codefi Asset, the format of the publicly available asset details must follow specific standards.

For example, if an entity wants to list an asset they have purchased from an issuer via Codefi Assets to a secondary marketplace like OpenSea, the public details of the assets will need to comply with the format required by OpenSea, for appropriate display on the OpenSea marketplace.

Storage methods of asset details

Asset details can be stored in different storage solutions. Codefi Assets supports two different protocols for storing and accessing Asset details: IPFS and HTTP.